Not the only one who has been lost
I lost myself for a while. Before I’d really figured out who I was. I lost myself in the dark.
If you’ve never experienced the despair of suicidal depression, I’m glad.
If you have, if you are acquainted with the unbearable pain of numb, I’m glad you’re still here. I’m glad we’re still here.
If you’re wandering or sitting lost in the dark, let me remind you, even if you can’t believe it, that things really can get better. I know how rational the dark thoughts seem. There is plenty of ugly in this world, but even when we can’t see it or feel it, there’s beauty. You have value; you are worthy.
If all you want is for the pain to stop, hold on a bit longer.
There are more people who understand, who know the darkness, who have survived, who survive, than you realize.
I have a new post over at Vocal, that tells a bit about one way I tried to destroy myself, to erase myself, and about coming together with so many others who knew what that need felt like.
Read Words on the Ocean.
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