Pen to Paper
Pen to paper. Or pencil to paper. Or fingers to keyboard. That’s the important thing, right? At least that’s what she said. And she should know. She teaches this stuff. She hasn’t gotten much published as far as I can tell, but. They give people advanced degrees in creative writing. And she teaches people who can afford to pay for more pieces of paper after they graduate college the first time or two, in fields with limited job opportunities but plenty of room for failure whether or not you went to college for it.
But, hey, fingers to keyboard, y’all. And where is it going today?
Seems all my fiction lately is about marital infidelity, relational failures, and mood disorders. Hey, sounds like my non-fiction, too, just in reverse order if we’re talking volume. I guess last shall be first doesn’t really apply here, but that’s what that just made me think of…
Fingers to keyboard. Thoughts from mind to fingers. Processing. Using my experience for others. Untying. Following threads. Unravelling. Weaving back together as something new.
So many stories. Bits and pieces from here and there. Real unreal characters. Snapshots of others, melded with imagination and conjecture. People will catch familiar scents, and wonder how much is fact, how much fiction.
Let’s get some short stories finished, Melinda.
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