Making Ugly Thoughts Beautiful
More words upon words. Another story written to not be read. I know what it means, though details are already softening as the snow has, melting away still clean and bright, unlike the sullied banks along the road. I just wanted the snow to go, vanquished by the warmth of a change in season. These thoughts? Well, these thoughts needed a place to go, a manageable shape. They don’t need to be held onto.
I’m saying again that we shouldn’t just ignore our emotions, shouldn’t merely shove them down. But emotions make poor guides. Some thoughts weigh us down, hold us back.
Acknowledge. Give space. Release. As many times as necessary.
41/100 of #The100DayProject
Last night’s part 1, the first layer, of a little piece whose title is mine to know and keep to myself.
It’s new name is “Sunrise.”
I spilled the words that needed a place to go. They intertwined and obscured each other. The thoughts lost amongst themselves, captured in gel pen on paper. Overcome. And made beautiful.
Each sunrise begins another new day.
Another words upon words, unreadable story made lovely.
44/100 of #The100DayProject
A little creativity every day for 100 days, for me in my first art journal.
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