A Sunflower… for Ukraine
When it comes to Ukraine I still don’t quite know what to say. But some of my thoughts are in this flower. I keep typing and deleting words to post with it because when I try to articulate succinctly, it unspins anyway.
In a Facebook art group I’m part of, members keep sharing sunflower art, and asking other artists to do the same, for the PEOPLE of Ukraine. Whatever your opinion of this type of gesture, here is my little piece of beauty in the face of all the ugly I can’t control. I am safe and comfortable in the security of my home. Everyone deserves that…
There is no shortage of awfulness you can see in this world if your eyes are open. But the same is true of beauty.
If you look closely you can see that there are words beneath the yellow of the petals, words about how I feel about what is happening, and what’s not happening. Typed up, painted sunny sunflower yellow, cut into the perfect imperfect shape of flower petals, given beauty.
In the heart of the sunflower is a dove of peace.
21/100 of #The100DayProject