Deceptively Easy Night-Sky Paint Play
Welcome to Better With Art! I’m Melinda and I’m here to encourage you to reclaim your creativity and practice creative self-care with weekly small-art prompts that can be done in an art journal or on paper if you don’t have one. This week I’m revisiting a deeply-colored bit of relaxation from the 52-Week Art Journal Journey. All you need is your art journal or heavy paper, masking tape, inexpensive acrylic craft paint, an old credit-card style plastic card (card stock or cardboard will work in a pinch), a fine paintbrush if you’d like to add paint-splatter stars (I remember using a toothbrush for a similar effect to create snow in elementary school art), and a pen if you’d like to add a quirky border.
Here are specifics on the materials I used.
If you click the items that contain Amazon links and make a qualifying purchase I will make a small commission as an Amazon Associate. This does not affect your price but does allow you to support my channel with your purchase, so thanks if you do!.
This is the link to the journal I use in my prompt videos, and for the art journaling groups at the library where I work. I LOVE the paper. It works well with the dry, wet, and layered applications I use it for, and it’s my top value-for-the-money recommendation to get started with my simple for of art journaling.
If you’d like something different than this three-pack, look for heavyweight paper, preferably hot-press because although I love the texture of cold-press it’s really hard on markers and pens. The paper in this journal is 140lb/300gsm.
Scotch Delicate Surface tape
Craft Smart acrylic craft paint; this pack has 36 colors
Elmer’s disappearing purple glue sticks; this one’s a 3-pack
MARTCOLOR Micro Line Pens
Take time to make art!