She wasn’t the dragon I thought I remembered. Nor was she a sea serpent. She was brave and kind. She was Serendipity. And gained riches she didn’t seek… Sometimes the best things aren’t…
Fifty thousand in a month? Maybe. Maybe not.
Ready or not, Writer, November is coming! What are your writing goals?
Featherless Hope
Emily Dickinson said hope is the thing with feathers that never asked a crumb of her. It was not that for me when I realized I wouldn't end my life. My experience of…
The poetry of new friends and not knowing
"Or was the point always to continue without a sign?" Sometimes other's words resonate. A line from 2020 Nobel Prize in Literature recipient Louise Glück.
Eating my way to my best self… No, wait…
On the other side of the world or our own backyards, where can we find what we're missing? I'm reading Eat Pray Love.
Entering Others’ Stories: A Spoiler-Free Recommendation of Chaim Potok’s The Chosen
I've always loved books that let me enter into someone else's experience. No one fits neatly in a box. Check out my mostly spoiler-free recommendation of Chaim Potok's classic and timely The Chosen.
I was an awkward kid… #amwriting
So, I’ve decided to take part in NaNoWriMo, super informally. One of those people who don’t even intend to write a novel, but want to be motivated to write every day. I see…
And I Know I’m at Least a Little Awesome…
The questions caught me off-guard. Got me thinking about what I meant when I said I was whole...
This Moment… Welcome to my morning…
A pileated woodpecker makes his presence known, chortling over the carriage house. Like a cat, I follow the languorous patch of sunlight. This is the moment I'm living. Are you living your moment?
In the Middle, Words and Life
My words, like my life, are somewhere in a vast middle. Where do I go from here?