Better With Art

Autumn Color: Creative Therapy for SAD

I don’t love autumn. And that’s okay.
Creative Therapy for SAD

Welcome to BETTER WITH ART. I’m Melinda and I’m here to encourage you to reclaim your creativity and practice creative self-care with weekly small-art prompts that can be done in an art journal or on paper if you don’t have one.

If you’d like one that is ideal for my simple form of art journaling, the paper is important. It needs to be a heavy weight and preferably hot-press because although I love the texture of cold-press it’s really hard on markers and pens. The one I use in all my videos and the art journaling groups at the library where I work is 140lb/300gsm. Sold in a three-pack, it also remains the best regular-price value that I’ve found.

This week we’re going a little deeper into creating an autumn color palette by mixing complementary colors. I’m fascinated by how many different colors can be made with a inexpensive set of watercolors a child might use. Of the basic eight, I use just the three primary colors and three secondary colors. No need for black or brown for interesting fall colors, including lovely browns.

Click here for my new favorite, Prang’s basic 8 set.

We’re also bringing back the fun of watercolor blobs, as well as the pleasure and relaxation of neurographic-style line- and shape-making. I love this method for unique abstract fall trees.

Find a few round things you can trace on your page.

I’m using a black Sharpie.

I use SAKURA Pigma Micron Fineliner Pens for the watercolor-blob fall trees in the video.
And here are various water-resistant and less expensive alternatives I’ve had success with and use now:
MARTCOLOR Micro-Pen Fineliner ink Pens
KOUSICA Micro Fineliner Drawing Art Pens
And we can change things up with sepia Bianyo Sepia Micro Drawing Pens with Bonus Pouch Bag

If you use any of my Amazon links and make a qualifying purchase, I will make a small commission as an Amazon associate. This does not affect your price, but supports my sharing my healthy art habit with others. So thanks if you do! You can also check out my slowly growing Amazon Storefront if you’re interested in more products I recommend.

To join a supportive and encouraging little group of others at different places on our creative self-care journeys, sign up here. You’ll also receive no-more-than-weekly emails from me.

Sign up here to be kept up-to-date with upcoming online and in-person workshop, presentations, and shows where you can make art with me and/or view and purchase my outside-my-art-journal art and art jewelry.

Let’s make art!

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