Abstract Fun
These doodles are FOR ALL MY WOMEN FRIENDS. I’m winding down International Women’s Day feeling STRONG, CREATIVE, and BEAUTIFUL… JUST LIKE YOU!
24/100 #The100DayProject
More cutting up magazines last night.
If things aren’t going as planned, run with it. It’s just for fun and relaxation… and, yeah, working on technique… anyway.
Colors came out wrong on the phone. But, again..
Being creative. Every day. For 100 days. In my first art journal.
The flops are as worthwhile as the successes… and the vast majority that are somewhere in between.
Back to cutting and gluing my own acrylic-painted paper scraps.
I really like this one. What do you think?
“Some Days It Storms”
Torn acrylic paint scrap paper abstract art.
I really like this one, too.
Not thrilled, but 28/100
It doesn’t have to be great to be worthwhile.
It’s important to take time for creativity.