Winter Sunset… Into the Wild
I don’t share everything that goes into my art journal. That’s one of the beauties of an art journal, or any journal. It’s nobody’s business but the owner’s own. If you want to give yourself permission to be arty without the pressure of feeling like it’s “good enough,” and freedom to express yourself however you would like in the moment, in words and/or art, start an art journal.

It was beautiful sky. We do have some gorgeous sunsets around here, especially on the lake. This was not a lake evening. And I was trying to get a shot through my kitchen window. Of the blue and orange that arrested my attention, through and with the rather stark beauty of bare winter trees.
There were too many branches to make a reasonable sketch. But the photograph I’d take a few days before was definitely a lovely jumping-off point.
I’d asked a friend for movie recommendations, and sat down to watch Into the Wild for the first time. The mood of the movie, the mood of my drawing, they fit.
I added a journal entry around my sketch. Around and around away from the edges of the page toward the border that contained the color of sunset and falling night, and dark tree shadows.

The finest-tip gel pen, and a few colored pencils. Thoughts about friendship. And loneliness. And curiosity… to learn more about the part of you that loves the movie… If you wander west, Friend, don’t get too lost.