Week 31: More Hidden Writing
Hello, Friends! This week we’re exploring another way to make our words into art. However ugly, or not, those words may be. What I made up and call Words upon Words is great to vent out a bunch of words… sentences… paragraphs. Click here to visit Week 4: Making Ugly Beautiful. As I mentioned last week, I find asemic writing works best when I start by thinking real words and sentences, so it’s also a lovely way to say what I’m thinking without saying what I’m thinking. Click here for Week 30: Asemic Writing. And this week I’m going to share with you another way I’ve combined words no one ever needs to read with art.
If you’re new here and wondering what the 52-Week Art Journal Journey is all about, click here to check out this video introduction. And don’t miss Week 1, where we made our journals, and this journey, our own.
I didn’t realize when I recorded the video for Week 25 that there was a name for that style of creative self-care art. Neurographic art.
In this week’s video I use my name to demonstrate how you can “hide” your letters, your words, in the loose lines that are the first step of neurographic art. Yes, Friend, this is one of those weeks where explaining with just words, or even words with pictures, gets across what I’m trying to share with you. Check out how I wrote-ish my name… You can add colors or designs or both after you enjoy relaxing with the rounding off of all the sharp intersections. Given my recent videos you probably will not be surprised that I went with a vividly colorful watercolor wash.