Waldeinsamkeit Word Doodle
More word doodle fun. 77/100 of #The100DayProject Waldeinsamkeit… another of those terms that English doesn’t quite have the word for… but maybe should… The feeling of being alone in the woods… solitude in the…
Wabi-Sabi Word Art
I borrowed another word book, so expect more word doodles. 59/100 Wabi-sabi… I think what I’m doing here could fit this mindset, this outlook… Appreciating the beautiful imperfection of nature, accepting the impermanence…
More Small Art for The 100 Day Project
Just doodle-sketching in my art journal for 30/100. Gel pen and colored pencil fun. When I should have been asleep. 32/100 “Some Things Just Matter More than Others” Acrylic-painted torn paper. Gel pen…