Just for Fun… in the Sun
This morning’s sunshine-sitting play with flower shapes. Ran out of time to add color. That can be tomorrow morning’s pleasure.
And the COLOR above… It’s definitely colorful, but…
Yes, the daisy got away from me in the doodling, and the iris petal shapes are just… um… a little… eccentric? I know it doesn’t have to be perfect to be WORTHWHILE. But it’s one thing to have it imperfect privately in my journal, and another to put it on social media. The point of posting, however, isn’t to prove my artistic talent or lack thereof, it’s to encourage YOU to be creative, to take the time to create, even when it’s messy, SOMETIMES ESPECIALLY WHEN IT’S MESSY.
Another day of art in #My100DayArtJournal for you.
90/100 of #The100DayProject